Getting pregnant? What you need to know about ZIKA.

I was so excited when the editors at were interested in having me come back on the site and write about the ZIKA virus and how it affects women who are trying to get pregnant.
If you don’t already know the website is an amazing resource for information on wellness, tackling all sorts of issues related to both the mind and body and how we relate with the world. The website is full of interesting, pertinent and useful facts on all sorts of topics ranging from skin care, to juicing to exercise, spirtuality and food. They are committed to making sure we are up to date on important health topics that affect our well being.
Check out my article that is published about how ZIKA could affect you if you are trying to get pregnant on the MINDBODYGREEN website.
Check out my other article on their site, discussing pregnancy after 40. And look our for more!!