Here you will find a selection of Dr. Bendikson’s videos
Additional videos can be viewed on her YouTube Channel
Dr. Bendikson for EMD Serono: Techonology and Fertility
Dr. Bendikson for EMD Serono: The Future
Dr. Bendikson for EMD Serono: Fertility Resources
Dr Bendikson Live on ABC News
Dr. Bendikson at ASRM 2019
Dr Bendikson at ASRM 2017
Dr Bendikson at ASRM 2016
BuzzFeed Collaborations
Dr. Bendikson was featured on Good Morning America
to discuss Egg Freezing

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Dr. Bendikson on Good Morning America discussing Egg Freezing
Dr Bendikson was featured on Good Morning America to discuss the utility of Fertility Tracking Devices

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Dr Bendikson talks to ABC news about Fertility Tracking Devices
Dr Bendikson was featured on Good Morning America to highlight the Fertility Diagnostic Testing Program at USC.

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New Tests for Fertility Prospects
CBS2 News Segment on Janet Jackson’s Pregnancy

Dr. Bendikson was featured on CBS2 news with reporter Kristine Lazar to discuss Janet Jackson’s pregnancy and women getting pregnant over the age of 40.
Over 20 videos about everything you need from IVF to trying to get pregnant on your own. Here is one for you to view but please see the website to watch all of the videos.
Preparing for pregnancy:
Dr. Bendikson was featured on over three seasons of “I Didn’t Know I was Pregnant”. The TLC:Discovery show can be viewed on Hulu

Dr. Bendikson was featured on over Good Morning America to promote, “I didn’t Know I was Pregnant”. Can you tell that she was pregnant?